Members and employees of the House often interact with various groups and organizations both in and outside of the House. When working with an outside entity, determining who will produce an event, communication, or any other product is key to determining what is permissible.

For additional information or assistance with specific questions, contact the Committee’s Office of Advice and Education.

House Rule 24 prohibits the use of private resources or activities to support the operations of a House office, and official offices may not promote or endorse an outside entity or use official resources for private purposes.  Additionally, private entities may not use official resources for their business, including the Frank, official letterhead, and congressional office equipment.

A Member may convene a group of constituents or experts to advise them on a topic but should make sure that the group is treated like any other private entity.

Members may cooperate with private groups for certain recognized congressional competitions.

Go to Outside Entities Guidance

Below are answers to some common questions about working with outside entities.

FAQs About Outside Entities

On occasion, the Committee issues public guidance (called “pink sheets”) to summarize, clarify, update, or revise its guidance on outside entities.

Outside Entities Pink Sheets