In accordance with House Rule XI, clause 3, and Committee Rules 2(b), 10(a)(2), 16(e)(2), and 18(a-c), the Committee on Ethics (Committee) unanimously voted on November 18, 2015, to establish an Investigative Subcommittee . Pursuant to the Committee’s action, the Investigative Subcommittee shall have jurisdiction to determine whether Representative Robert Pittenger violated the Code of Official Conduct or any law, rule, regulation, or other applicable standard of conduct in the performance of his duties or the discharge of his responsibilities, with respect to allegations that he received compensation for his involvement with a fiduciary business, a real estate investment firm known as Pittenger Land Investments, Inc.
The Honorable Charles W. Dent will serve as the Chairman of the Investigative Subcommittee, and the Honorable Linda T. Sanchez will serve as the Ranking Member. The other two members of the Investigative Subcommittee are the Honorable John Katko and the Honorable Ed Perlmutter.
The Department of Justice has asked the Committee to defer consideration of the matters in the Investigative Subcommittee’s jurisdiction. The Committee, following precedent, unanimously recommended to the Investigative Subcommittee that it defer action on its investigation at this time. No other public comment will be made on this matter except in accordance with Committee rules.