In accordance with Clause 3 of House Rule XI and Rules 14(a)(3) and 18 of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, which authorize the Committee to establish an investigative subcommittee of its own initiative, the Committee has unanimously voted to establish an investigative subcommittee to conduct an inquiry regarding Representative Maxine Waters.
During the course of the Committee’s independent investigation, the Committee received a referral from the Office of Congressional Ethics regarding this same matter. As provided by House Rule X, clause 1 (q) and Committee Rule 17 A, the Committee has exclusive jurisdiction over the interpretation, administration and enforcement of the Code of Official Conduct. Consistent with the Committee’s rules, it reviews OCE’s report and findings without prejudice or presumptions as to the merit of the allegations.
Based on the Committee’s initial investigation and review of OCE’s report and findings, the Committee exercised its authority under House and Committee rules to empanel an investigative subcommittee to obtain and review additional evidence necessary to make a determination as to whether Representative Waters violated House Rules or any applicable statutes.
Pursuant to the Committee’s action, the investigative subcommittee shall have jurisdiction to determine whether Representative Maxine Waters violated the Code of Official Conduct or any law, rule, regulation, or other standard of conduct applicable to her conduct in the performance of her duties or the discharge of her responsibilities, with respect to Representative Waters’ alleged communications and activities with, or on behalf of, the National Bankers Association or OneUnited Bank, a bank in which Representatives Waters’ husband owned stock and previously served on the board of directors, and the benefit, if any, Representative Waters or her husband received as a result.