In accordance with House Rule XI, clause 3, and Committee Rules 10(a)(2) and 18(e)(2), the Committee on Ethics (Committee) unanimously voted on July 29, 2015, to establish an Investigative Subcommittee. Pursuant to the Committee’s action, the Investigative Subcommittee shall have jurisdiction to determine whether Representative Chaka Fattah violated the Code of Official Conduct or any law, rule, regulation, or other applicable standard of conduct in the performance of his duties or the discharge of his responsibilities, with respect to allegations forming the basis for criminal charges of conspiracy, racketeering, bribery, fraud, falsification of records, making false statements, and money laundering, as filed against him in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on July 29, 2015.
The Honorable Susan W. Brooks will serve as the Chair of the Investigative Subcommittee, and the Honorable Yvette D. Clarke will serve as the Ranking Member. The other two members of the Investigative Subcommittee are the Honorable John M. Katko and the Honorable Janice K. Hahn.
No other public comment will be made on this matter except in accordance with Committee rules.