Pursuant to Committee Rule 7(g), the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics (Committee) determined on January 29, 2014, to release the following statement on behalf of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Investigative Subcommittee in the Matter of Representative Henry J. “Trey” Radel III:
On December 12, 2013, the Committee established this Investigative Subcommittee to determine whether Representative Henry J. “Trey” Radel III violated the Code of Official Conduct or any law, rule, regulation, or other applicable standard of conduct in the performance of his duties or the discharge of his responsibilities, with respect to conduct forming the basis for criminal charges of possession of cocaine in the District of Columbia, to which Representative Radel pled guilty on November 20, 2013. The Investigative Subcommittee began its investigation, but was unable to complete its work before Representative Radel resigned from the House on January 27, 2014. As a consequence, the Investigative Subcommittee no longer has jurisdiction over him.
This statement constitutes the Investigative Subcommittee’s final action regarding this matter.