Title I of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (EIGA), as amended (5 U.S.C. §§ 13101-13111) requires Members, Officers, certain employees of the U.S. House of Representatives (the House) and related offices, and candidates for the House to file Financial Disclosure (FD) Reports with the Clerk of the House (the Clerk).

In addition, Members, officers, and certain employees of the House and related offices are also required to disclose transactions over $1,000 for certain securities by the earlier of these two dates:

  1. 30 days from being made aware of the transaction; or
  2. 45 days from the transaction.

For additional information or assistance with specific questions, or to request a prescreen of an FD report contact the Committee’s Office of Financial Disclosure.

Reminder: Members can use MRA funds to compensate someone to prepare their FD as well as the filings for staff members who are required to file.

Specific Disclosure Requirements

Financial Disclosure (FD) Reports and Periodic Transaction Reports (PTRs) (including amendments) must be filed with the Clerk of the House, not the Committee. FD Reports and PTRs may be completed and submitted by either:

  • using the electronic filing system at https://fd.house.gov; or
  • submitting paper forms to the clerk at the Legislative Resource Center, Room B-81 Cannon House office building, Washington, DC 20515.

The Committee strongly encourages all filers to use the electronic filing system for completing FD Reports and PTRs.

When submitting the paper forms:

  • Members and Candidates must submit one original (with an original signature) and two photocopies of their completed and signed FD Report or PTR.
  • Officers and employees must submit one original (with an original signature) and one photocopy of their completed and signed FD Report or PTR.

FD Reports and PTRs must contain an original signature or be transmitted by the filer personally through the electronic filing system. Paper forms must be hand-delivered or mailed.


The following documents may help provide the information necessary for completing the FD Report. There is no requirement to file any supporting documentation with your completed Report. No attachments are permitted with electronic filings.

  • A copy of the FD Report you filed last year (for a new Member, this would be the FD Report you filed as a candidate.
  • End of year statements for any brokerage accounts, retirement accounts, or bank accounts that pay interest.
  • Tax forms (W-2s or 1099s) or pay stubs for any outside earned income you or your spouse received in the previous year.
  • Annual accounting or other financial statements for any business you own.
  • Any other documents which indicate the gross revenue, income, loss, sales, purchases, or debt for the previous calendar year for your investments, income, or liabilities.

If you believe you are required to file an FD Report or PTR and have not received login information or if you are having problems with the electronic filing system, please contact the Legislative Resource Center at (202) 226-5200 for assistance.

FD Forms

This calculator helps calculate the due dates for Periodic Transaction Reports.

PTR Calculator

The following are common oversights made by filers.

Common Oversights

Below are answers to some common financial disclosure questions from Members, Officers, and Employees.

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Below are answers to some common financial disclosure questions from Candidates.

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On occasion, the Committee issues public guidance (called “pink sheets”) to summarize, clarify, update, or revise its financial disclosure guidance.

FD Pink Sheets

The forms from previous years can be found below.

Past Financial Disclosure Forms