The ethics forms are provided to assist House Members and employees to obtain advance approval or complete required disclosures. Descriptions are provided to help identify when to use each form. For questions regarding the forms or when they are required, please contact the Committee’s Office of Advice and Education.
Financial Disclosure Forms
Financial Disclosure forms for calendar year 2023 can be found below.
- CY 2023 Financial Disclosure Form A
- CY 2023 Financial Disclosure Form B
- Financial Disclosure Extension Form for Candidates
- Financial Disclosure Extension Form for Members, Officers, and Employees
- Financial Disclosure Gift Reporting Waiver Request Form
- Late Fee Waiver Request Form
- New Employee Reporting Exemption Form
- Periodic Transaction Report (PTR) Form
- Principal Assistant Designation Form
- Termination Exemption Form
- Withdraw/Under $5,000 Threshold Declaration Form
Travel Forms
Travel Forms
Travel requests for privately-sponsored, officially-connected trips must be submitted to the Committee by the traveler at least 30 days before the departure date.
Solicitation Waivers
Art Competition Form
Complete the following form to solicit private contributions for the Congressional Art Competition. A signed approval from the Committee allows your office to solicit donations (including in-kind) on behalf of the Competition, provided any such solicitations adhere to specific guidelines and restrictions. Members only need to receive approval from the Committee once during their uninterrupted tenure. If a Member leaves and returns, the Member must receive new approval.
APP Challenge Form
Complete the following form to solicit private contributions for the named officially-sanctioned competition. A signed approval from the Committee allows your office to solicit donations (including in-kind) on behalf of the named officially-sanctioned competition, provided any such solicitations adhere to specific guidelines and restrictions. Members only need to receive approval from the Committee once during their uninterrupted tenure. If a Member leaves and returns, the Member must receive new approval.
Solicitation Waiver
This form should be submitted by Members, officers, and employees seeking permission to fundraise on behalf of organizations or individuals not qualified under section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), such as an IRC § 501(c)(3) organization, or organizations that are founded or controlled by current Members, officers, or employees. Please complete this form and submit it along with additional supporting documents to the Committee at 1015 Longworth House Office Building, or by email to
Gift Waivers
Special Occasion Gift Waivers
Use the Special Occasion Gift Waiver form to request a gift waiver for gifts received in connection with a special or unusual occasion, such as a wedding or engagement, the birth or adoption of a child, an unexpected illness or medical procedure, or a death in the family. Use the Financial Disclosure Gift Waiver form if you are seeking a waiver of the requirement to report such gifts on your annual Financial Disclosure Statements. Although the Special Occasion Gift Waiver is not made public, the Financial Disclosure Gift Waiver is.
Personal Friendship Gift Waiver
Use this form to request a gift waiver to accept gifts given on the basis of personal friendship, valued at more than $250.
Form for Gifts from Foreign Governments
Use this form to disclose tangible gifts you received above “minimal value” from a foreign government under the Foreign Gifts & Decorations Act (FGDA). You must also use this form to report in-country travel expenses paid by a foreign country while on FGDA travel.
Outside Employment Forms
Future Employment Forms
Members, officers, and employees seeking future employment must avoid not only an actual conflict of interest but also the appearance of a conflict between their duties to the House and the interests of the prospective employers with whom they are negotiating. A negotiation is “a communication between two parties with a view toward reaching an agreement.” Thus, merely sending a copy of one’s resume to a private entity is not considered “negotiating” for future employment. An employment arrangement begins when an offer has been made and accepted.
Forms for Members Practicing Medicine
Any Member who receives compensation under the limited exception for Members who practice medicine pursuant to House Rule 25, clause 2, and the Committee on Standards Advisory Memorandum of February 23, 1998, will need to file the form for Disclosing Fees and Expenses for Members Who are Practicing Medicine.
Teaching Forms
Members and staff paid at or above $147,649 (2024) must receive Committee approval prior to receiving compensation for teaching. Approval is required for each semester of teaching. Teaching income is subject to the outside earned income limit ($31,815 for CY 2024). A Member, officer, or senior staff who is requesting to teach for compensation must use the forms below to make that request. The Member, officer, or employee requesting Committee approval must complete the “Request to Teach for Compensation” form, and an individual affiliated with the institution offering compensation must complete the “Institution Confirmation Form.”
Outside Positions Forms
Any Member seeking a waiver or a temporary suspension of Section IX of the Committee’s Outside Position Regulations (OPR) should complete the appropriate form. Please submit completed forms and additional supporting documents and/or information to the Committee at 1015 Longworth House Office Building, or by email to
Legal Expense Fund Forms
LEF "No Activity" Quarterly Report
This form should be submitted by Members with an approved LEF for quarters when an LEF neither received contributions nor made expenditures.